Sunday, August 21, 2016

The Intentional Woman: Pursuing a Heart of Wisdom - Chapter 1 - The Intentional God

I just started this Bible Study in a group at my church to help us as wives and mothers to gain wisdom in our lives and to apply that wisdom to become better women overall, and definitely impacting our marriages and families for Jesus.

At the beginning of this year, after nearly 14 years at the same church that I have loved, it was time for our family to move on.  We've tried a number of different churches, but none seemed to really suit us until we found this church where it just clicked with each one of us.  We've been here now for a few months and I think before the end of the year, we will call this church our home.  We see their heart for God, His people and to reach the world for Jesus.

I will be sharing my homework from each of the 18 chapters of this book.  I haven't been blogging hardly in the last couple years just because I haven't made time.  But, since I'll be already doing the homework, why not share it here.

Will basically work to answer the questions and if you want the book, you can get the book on Amazon or at a bookstore and do this along with me.  I'm not going to write down verbatim the homework questions, but paraphrase or write something similar.

1.  Write down any thoughts or insights that I gained from reading Chapter 1.    What stuck out at me in this chapter?

Two things stuck out at me in this chapter.   1)  Gossip in any form is bad.  The Greek word for this is Diabolos.  That word means to channel the devil.  Wow!!  THAT is what gossip is.  What comes out of our mouths often is not good and really shows what our heart is like.  Without looking at others, I can see that my heart truly can be deceitful above all things, which is what Jeremiah 17:9 talks about.  And, I know I can definitely say some really mean and awful things.  It tells you there are more soul wounds to be addressed in order for me to always have speech that pleases God.

Lying speech is a part of this and a part of lying speech is presenting only half truths.  It's all a big fat lie.  And we see the media doing it continually now, especially during this election time.  But, how often do we want to present what we want to present, which is a distortion of the facts?  That is Diabolos speech.

2)  Holiness was the 2nd thing that struck me and I had to examine my own life to see if it was holy before a Holy God and frankly, there is a LOT of room for improvement here.  As I have been battling this virus that has creating an awful cough, last night God revealed to me that it's spiritual and demonic forces over my family and I.  How can Christians have demonic forces influencing them?  Easy.  You have common elements with the enemy that allows the devil and his cohorts to attack.  What are those common elements?  Soul wounds created by sin and the consequences of sin.

Without going into any details, God revealed a certain member of my family and I approached that person.  We began to pray and then I brought both children in and we began to do spiritual warfare of repenting of very specific sins and asking Jesus to forgive these sins and to apply the blood of Jesus to all these sins now and going back through all the generations before us.  Afterwards, we prayed for healing with Jesus' Resurrection Dunamis Power to heal all those soul wounds present and going back through all the generations before us.

What was interesting was how the Holy Spirit spoke to each of us and how there was great unity.  We also did physical demonstrations of what God wanted us to do, which was pray in the back and front yards of our home.  He also directed us to unlock the gates and to walk the whole property and do some other things as we prayed for our lives, home, etc.  We also took our authority in Jesus Christ over the enemy and kicked him out of where he has resided.

Holiness isn't for one day, but it's to change us from our sinful natures and transform us to be more like Jesus.  It's a process, but it's a daily thing that we must put God first.

2.  Who are the spiritually older, godly Titus 2 women in my life?  Who might be younger godly women in my life that I can be a Titus 2 woman to?

CW was once this Titus 2 woman in my life that I was blessed to have for over 3 decades.  She passed away a decade ago and I miss her.  However, some women from my prior church are Titus 2 women for me and I am so blessed to have them in my life.  I can be a Titus 2 woman to my daughter and to new Christian women in my life.

3.  In Luke 6:45, what connection can I see from this verse about words and my heart life?  Write out the verse.  What are the thoughts on how to address my own heart and speech?

  • A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart.  For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.

I can see how sometimes the anger, frustration really comes out of my mouth and how hateful that is.  How to address?  Repent and get healing for what I did, soul healing with Jesus' Resurrection Dunamis immediately.  Don't let things fester and build up.  Ask God to help me to truly forgive and not let things get to bitterness.

  • Proverbs 10:19 - Sin is not ended by multiplying words, but the prudent hold their tongues.  

Wow, I am so convicted by this.  So often I need to hold my tongue and I don't.  Definitely some prayer needed here and repentance.  And then really think before I speak.

  • Proverbs 15:1-2 - A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.  The tongue of the wide adorns knowledge, but the mouth of the fool gushes folly.

I've seen this to work well when instead of being sarcastic and angry, responding in that manner, that when I give a kind and gentle answer, the results are astoundingly good.  So often I have been the fool just spewing out all sorts of ugliness from my mouth.  This is taking me a long time to work through and I'm at the beginning stages of giving a gentle answer instead.  Still, I fall short so many times.

My husband has been a good example often or responding to me in a gentle answer instead and that has really helped me so much.

  • Proverbs 15:28 - The heart of the righteous weighs its answers, but the mouth of the wicked gushes evil.

Think before you speak.  I've got to definitely do that consistently and I'm nowhere near that.  All sorts of wicked, evil things gush from my mouth more often than I'd like to admit.

  • Proverbs 16:21, 24 - The wise in heart are called discerning, and gracious words promote instruction.  Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.

Graciousness is hardly ever seen in the media and sometimes as a parent, my speech is less than gracious because of my own sinful nature, of the soul wounds.  Lot of work still is needed here.

  • Proverbs 17:27-28 - The one who has knowledge uses words with restraint, and whoever has understanding is even-tempered.  Even fools are thought wise if they keep silent, and discerning if they hold their tongues.

These are convicting verses, especially the latter.  You can be a fool,but if you have restraint on your words, you're less foolish.  I have been hot-tempered most of my life and that is not good.  I am learning through my husband and God to be even-tempered.  Long way to go.

  • Proverbs 18:21 - The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.

This words of this verse have had a powerful impact in my life.  Growing up, my parents usually used very negative and cutting words to spur us to excel.  We excelled, or at least I did because I didn't want to disappoint, for fear of shame.  They didn't know how to encourage me with uplifting words that I so badly needed.  I know they did their best and didn't know those negative words would harm me.  I can see my own children and others deflate when my words are negative or they swell with anger.

Or, I can see the power of thought, good words and how they lift up and encourage.    We can choose how we are to speak to others, including ourselves.

4.  Read James 1:14-16.  Enslavement.  What about this and what does James tell us.  What is the source of the temptations we face?  What is God saying to us?

James tells us to not give into temptation.  If we give in, it really opens the door for the enemy to really come in and do his work and soon what was tempting, we then become numb that it is any longer temptation.  Then, it's a little easier to go further in sin and further and then one day we think, how did we get this far?  Little by little.

The temptation I have is to live in fear as I have done instead of in courage because of some big falls I've had occur in my life.  God is telling me that though the giants are huge and seems that way, nothing is impossible with Him.  I just need to begin moving in that direction and don't worry about tomorrow, but take one day at a time.

5.  What are of my heart am I vulnerable to enslavement or captivation by?  How does 1 Corinthians 10:13 encourage me?

Currently I'm vulnerable to be being in my comfort zone and not stepping out in faith.  When I feel afraid, to speak out and declare Scripture to encourage me, and do something that takes me out of my comfort zone.

Personal Journal - Write any thoughts or convictions I've had in Chapter 1.  What changes am I willing to make in my life as a result of examining my heart in the areas of conversation and captivation?  How will I be more intentional in my relationship with God and my family?

God is telling me to keep a better reign on my tongue and to give a soft, gentle answer is better.  This is a challenge because I'm used to being abrupt and direct, but God wants compassion from me as He has given me.  To be more intentional means to not see God as a checklist, but someone I am truly in Love With.  That is done through my attitude, actions, words - spending time with God and instead of being an afterthought, make things like memorizing Scripture, praying on my knees, studying God's Word a priority.

Doris Web Developer

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