Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Words & Thoughts

What kind of words do you speak to yourself? What sort of thoughts do you have all day?

As I look back at the thoughts & words as a parent, they have become more aligned to the Word of God and thus, I do have success in my parenting. However, that hasn't been the case in all areas of my life and as I reflect right now, looking at my finances, my fitness, my health, my relationships, the subtle words of defeat, failure, living in the past has kept me in bondage.

This morning as I've been reading a few articles on my Identity in Jesus Christ, I'm convicted of the chains of bondage I personally have allowed in my own life, that has not allowed me to move forward in power & strength, in the person I am in the Lord Jesus Christ. I have not taken my authority that God, my Papa has given me. How sad, to flounder in the mud when I could be soaring with the eagles.

How does that speak to you? What are you going to do about it?
Doris Web Developer

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