Monday, December 19, 2011

Mon, 19-Dec-2011 --- Education

EDuCaTion ... !! by BaLLYoOo
EDuCaTion ... !!, a photo by BaLLYoOo on Flickr.

It's always a challenge to address things that I feel a great deal of negative intensity towards. Like my parents, I greatly value education and it's a priority with me, next to a few other things like God, character, health and relationships.

There's a non-ideal situation where for the first time I am having to deal with this issue with regards to my kids and their education, and wondering if what they are getting is enough and appropriate.

Education isn't the end all, but it is a tool and resource to propel us in other areas of our lives. Knowing how to read and comprehend, as well as write, utilize math, understand the world around us are basic things I feel children need to know to empower them in other areas of their lives.

My children go to a reasonable school where learning in a positive environment is typically fostered, but it's not always the case. Now I'm having to address what I perceive is more old school stuff that perhaps how I grew up being educated rather than the type of school my children go to that embrace a gentler, kinder, positive atmosphere.

The past 6 years I've been accustomed to this, but I find this year, that is much different. Maybe my perspective is skewed. I don't know.

This is definitely something I need for God to intervene on, as I'm emotionally intense about this and feeling like a pitbull. What would please God in how I could handle this? This calls for seeking God and His righteousness and asking Him to Divinely step in and help me to glorify Him.

When I get upset, it's not always a God-honoring thing. At least I can take a step back now and think before I act, whereas in my younger years, I was like a bull in a China shop.

Doris Web Developer

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