Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Tues, 20-Dec-2011 --- Festive

It honestly feels like a Friday, as today was the last day of school for my children. It was only a half day and I was at school with them the whole time. It seemed like a really long morning and seemed to drag on. No studies were done, just watching movies, and a bunch of other festive activities.

Lately I've been wearing some summer dresses paired up with leggings and long-sleeved tops, which is really cool because that makes it seem like I actually have more clothes.

As I pondered some wandering from class-to-class and chit chatting with teachers, parents, students, my heart was feeling warm with gratitude. As a mom, one of my dreams was to have the time to spend with my children in a free way.

I am incredibly grateful to God for this privilege to spend these past near 5 yrs doting on my children, teaching them God's Word, and walking it out with them amidst the hardships, pain & difficutlies we've experienced.

Sometimes out of pure exhaustion with no help available to parent my children and juggle the battles that ensued, the heartache we all felt, God gave me strength to get back up one more time to face things that I would soon as well forget, but couldn't. Ignoring truth is never good because eventually you have to come to terms with such things.

As I flitted from place to place between the grade school my son was in and middle school of my children, armed with camera in hand, my heart just glowed. I get this time with my children and their schooling. I get this time with them, and a lot of parents wished they could.

God is our strength through not only the bad times, but particularly in the good times. It's in the good times we often forget about God and I am no exception. But, each day, God does something to wow me.

It could be from being sick and barely being able to get out of bed and then having the ability to get out of bed, or breathe well. We often don't realize what we have until we don't have it. What a shame.

Despite the wonderful times God gives to us, I'm deeply aware there are people in this world who feel and are very lonely, and have no one, not even God to turn to. Their days are covered in darkness, in aloneness, with no hope. I cannot imagine.

This season is not about buying stuff, or decorations, or the number of social events we can attend, rather it is about the birth of Jesus Christ and what He came to earth to do - give all of mankind a choice to never be alone, to have hope and for all eternity.

Do you know Jesus Christ as your Savior? If not, you can. It's really easy.

1. Acknowledge you are a sinner - meaning you've done things that are against God.

2. Know that the only way to God & Heaven is through Jesus Christ, as Jesus Christ came to earth to die for all the world's sins, but conquered death and now lives. He sits at the right hand of God.

3. Ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins and ask Jesus Christ to be Lord and Savior of your life.

4. Really mean in your heart #1-3. That's it.

It is not enough to just believe & know #1 & #1, but you must do #3. He'll change your life, give you hope, be with you forever.

Some people's outward life changes immediately, and other's do not rather it's a gradual process, like me, which has taken over 30 yrs.

Even someone like me who has many friends, people close to me, and a plethora of support & love, there are times I do feel lonely when I get self absorbed. But, as I relinquish my narcissistic tendencies, and really invite God's presence to cover me (not some New Age mumbo jumbo), I cling and go to His Truth and let Him work, let Him satisfy my soul.

Where can we find more about God is plainly in His Word, the Bible. That's it. Not a commentary or a supplementary book, but just the Bible. There are many translations, some easier to read, and others more poetic, so you can have your pick.

If you received Jesus as your Savior as a result of reading my blog, I would love to hear from you. If you have any questions, feel free to comment and I'll get back to you.

God bless you.
Doris Web Developer

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