Thursday, January 12, 2012

Thurs, 12-Jan-2012 -- Tim Tebow

Tim Tebow #15 by jgirl4858
Tim Tebow #15, a photo by jgirl4858 on Flickr.
There is a lot of fanfare, as well as controversy over Tim Tebow. Admittedly, I'm not a football fan, though, I know many football fans. I don't know a whole lot about Tebow other than the stuff that has been circulating the internet. I've never personally watched him play and I'm sure it's incredible.

What I wanted to just briefly talk about are some articles I read on athiests commenting on Tebow giving credit to God. I think it's awesome that He gives credit to God. So many people are so narcissistic that they think every single thing is due to themselves or their own skill or whatever, but often it isn't.

That car narrowly missing hitting your car wasn't because you were such a skilled driver. What about you getting the job not because of your skill, rather you caught the people at the right time? There are many things that happen to us is not because we deserve or made it happened, rather some other thing caused it or didn't cause it.

If Tebow gave credit to his mom or dad for his playing, would people be bashing him? Seriously! Of course not. He gives credit to God and that opens him up for bashing.

My beliefs are that ultimately everything I have comes from God. Yes, God uses people to help them to help me. Is that so bad? I've helped other people and I do think God prompted me to help others.

Yes, Tebow has to go out to work, to be disiplined, to take risks. Yes, he has to physically do those things, to build his body. But, ultimately, if you trace everything back, it goes back to God and Tebow is just being thankful and acknowledging God.

Are we so selfish and self-absorbed that people criticize others for being grateful? My gosh. How awful is that?

If you're going to be an ungrateful jerk, keep your nasty comments to yourself so you don't sour the whole bunch. The guy is a good guy, a good role model, and inspirational. Is he perfect? Heck no, but neither are any of us.

Of course he's inspirational, far more than the complainers and whiners against him. Maybe that's why those people aren't inspirational. Let Tebow be grateful and pray. It's his right, just like it's your right to not pray or be narcissistic and nasty.

And, yes, God does care about football, or the fact that a mommy in central AZ wants to see & be involved in her children's lives, or for a daddy to throw a football with his son, or the milk you've spilled you're crying over. Yes, God does care for all those things, including the starving children in Africa. God does care.

The problem is, you want to dictate how God cares and if He doesn't care in the manner you deem good, you've written him off. God is God and He can do anything. He allows a nasty person like the people making comments to exist just as He allows a Tebow to exist. Fair? It's life. Life is not fair, and unfair things DO happen. I've had my share of unfair things. That's life.

Eventually we all get over it and move on. Let the guy pray and be grateful and leave him alone.
Doris Web Developer

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