Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wed, 11-Jan-2012 -- Winter

Point Betsie by forestlady
Point Betsie, a photo by forestlady on Flickr.

As a native Arizonian, I've been used to scorching summers where you could easily fry an egg on the sidewalk (don't forget to add the oil), but I would have to say that I've never experienced a winter as cold as this picture looks.

Honestly, I cannot imagine that anyone would have to shovel snow, but many people around the world do so each winter. The work that is sometimes involved - blizzards, snow plows, shoveling snow, wearing boots and much warmer clothes, making sure you have enough heat, snow warnings. That's a lot of stuff.

As I sit here today in flip flops, a pair of capris and a light long-sleeved shirt with the fan on, it's hard for me to imagine trudging up a snowy bank.

Snowy winters make me think of a spiritual winter. Granted, not all wintery conditoins are awful. Some, I'm sure, are quite pleasant. Some have navigated the snow to become expert snow athletes.

It seems the past 7 years, I've been in a spiritual winter. My tree has been weathered and stripped of all its leaves. It's been really cold. Yes, there are moments of light, feathery snow that makes things look picturesque, but often, it's been harsh and dreary, making me anxious for Spring to come.

Who doesn't like Spring? When things are in bloom, green, birds are chirping, animals are out, water flows. But, for winter, the water freezes over, the skies often look gloomy, stark trees. It's as if there is no life left.

The reality is, underneath everything, there is life. It's just dormant and things are working. Things are not dead, they just appear dead.

It's been a long winter with me, but I can see the beauty of the winter of my life. It gives God time to work, get rid of the junk, and start anew as I've been freshly pruned for Spring.

Looking forward to my spiritual Spring. What about you? What season of your life are you in spiritually?

Doris Web Developer

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