Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Wed, 1-Feb-2011 -- Commitment

Commitment by eschipul
Commitment, a photo by eschipul on Flickr.
Usually when I see the word commitment, people think of getting married. Although that is an interesting subject to talk about, that won't be the point at all for this blog entry.

As I embark on a new journey in a different light with different motivation, I'm finding commitment to be far less daunting than what I originally perceived. What I literally was challenged with all of sudden doesn't seem that challenging.

Yes, it's still sometimes a challenge to follow-through with things, but when you reassess your motivation, and if you're motivated not by fear, rather by love, committing is far easier. God is love.

I presented last week the challenge that was before me to God and frankly, I was incredibly down and discouraged. My multiple failures for over 2 decades was before me and I in it of myself, had no strength to get back up and try ONE MORE TIME.

In a desperate plea to God, I asked Him to intervene and help me. God, in His tender loving care whispered the name of someone, then another person. Thankfully when I called each person, both answered and helped me step into the right direction, providing me with hope that I could get back up ONE MORE TIME.

LH gave me one thing to do and I got on it immediately, though, it was wrought with challenges the simple thing she said to do. LC encouraged me with what was happening on her end, which gave me a hope, as that situation was worse than mine.

As I sought God, He gave me the energy and whispered other things in my ear to do, simple things. Procrastination was not an option. Time was of necessity.

I committed that I would see this through and give it my very best, which did not mean doing it by myself, but relying on God's direction, help from other people. God has moved on the hearts of other people to help, not many, but they are helping.

Things that had beset me, things I could not overcome in the past, so far, nearly a week into this, seem to not be an issue. All the excuses, procrastination, etc., dropping to the side and kicked into the ditch (hopefully permanently).

I have not been able to commit to this level before without constant challenges that kept tripping me up. God seems to have parted the Red Sea for me here to show me that He is truly for me.

Of course, God is ALWAYS good and He is truly for me. God is good regardless of what I do.

When you commit to something, anything, be focused and go for it. I still have a lot to learn. Through all this, I will need to heavily lean on God in every aspect, as I'm sure there will be times when my commitment will wane.
I look forward to the Compound Effect that results from commitment with God & I walking together over the days, weeks, months, and years to come to accomplish what I can never do alone.

Eyes on God - Focus - Commit!
Doris Web Developer

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