Sunday, February 21, 2010


I'm noticing as I go through my days and listening, I'm now more aware that many messages (secular and Christian) tell me that faulty belief systems hinder us from living in freedom. I've heard this message over and over, and it never really sank in until recently.

What is a lie? It's the opposite of the truth.

What is the truth? One could say that we each have our own truths. Perhaps that may be so. What if one's person's truth is that all women are worthless? Is that true? Afterall, it's what that person's truth is.

The truth that I base is true truth is God's Truth, which is found in the Bible. I've never found it to be untrue. When I have gone contrary to what the Bible says, in the end, it's never turned out well, and there is not peace.

So, with everything that tells me something about my identity, I must weigh whether it is truth or not, and that would be according to God's Truth. If I don't know what the Bible says or cannot interpret it, then how will I know? I am thankful for many people who love the Word of God so as to help me. I've been learning a lot about my identify in Christ and realize there are many things I believed about myself that were untrue.

That's left me stuck, living a downward spiral in so many things. However, right now, my belief system is being turned upside down -- the past 3 yrs -- because the domino of lies are coming down. Praise be to God.

They can only come down if you're willing to go to the pain, address the lies where God takes the scales off one's eyes. You have to be willing to do this, otherwise you will continue to live in those lies.

I wonder how many people read similar things over and over and the scales are not off their eyes and they just don't understand. It's happened to me and very humbling to realize this. In desperation, I cried out to God to get these lies off my life.

Spring cleaning the lies out of my life -- not a pretty sight, but, in the end, it will be so beautiful.
Doris Web Developer

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