Thursday, August 12, 2010

It Should Be Easy

I was listening to two segments of Focus on the Family on "Dating & Courtship".

Dating & Courtship Segment 1

Dating & Courtship Segment 2

One of the things that Rev. Tommy Nelson talks about is that during this phase, the relationship should really be easy. If it's not, it's not the right relationship. As I look back at all my romantic relationships, they really aren't easy, especially my last one. Maybe I was delusional and just wanted it to work out, as I didn't want to fail again. Looking back, it would've failed again if I would've hung in with that relationship.

The guy I was seeing didn't value me as a woman loved and cherished by God. This was pretty evident, but I wanted to believe and think the best. If he treated me this way during courtship, certainly in marriage it would be far worse.

It was a challenge hearing some of the things in these 2 videos, as I saw where I was in error many times. EEEK!! However, I humbled myself before God and accepted this instruction and enlightenment. At least I now have a better basis on what to expect and if the relationship seems HARD, it's probably not the right relationship for me.

God has all different ways of speaking to people and I'm so very glad He used these 2 videos to show me things very clearly and succinctly. It bit, but what would've hurt more is to have gotten married to the guy and finding out all this later.

Keep your eyes wide opened and I'm glad I eventually listened to God before it was too late. God is so good and patient.
Doris Web Developer

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