Saturday, December 24, 2011

Fri, 23-Dec-2011 -- Discounts

Today my kids and I got some great sales on some things using coupons and coupon codes with some things that were already on sale. Even something that we wanted, the store we were at didn't have it and sent us to another store, which allowed us to get an even bigger discount.

As I thought about the great deals we got, I thoguht of the reason for the season, which is celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ over 2000 years ago. He came to earth to die for the sins of all mankind, giving mankind this gift that cost him everything, and giving it to us for free.

Christ's life wasn't discounted. It was paid for with a completely full price.

I'm so grateful for receiving this gift more than thirty years ago. And, that both my children also received this gift the past 2-3 yrs ago. We are so incredibly blessed.

What will you do? Will you receive this gift?

Doris Web Developer

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