Thursday, December 22, 2011

Thurs, 22-Dec-2011 --- Connection

connection by Bacchic Hiccups
connection, a photo by Bacchic Hiccups on Flickr.

A conversation I had today with a new person really hit home in a day in age where there are more sources of being able to connect and to do it more quickly, people are more isolated than ever.

With a few keystrokes or buttons, someone in Arizona could connect with some in Russia in a matter of seconds. Yet, that same person cannot even go across the street to talk to their neighbor. How sad it that?

You can be in your place and never leave it and be so connected to everyone in the world, yet connected to no one and feel so alone.

Thankfully I go to a church that truly believes in in-person community, of not only fellowship, but really learning to be transparent and love on each other in practical (and sometimes even non-practical) ways.

I am truly blessed that over this Christmas season that I am connected to so many people who really do care about my kids and I. It's not just about something to do, but getting together with people you really want to be with. Granted, we get invited to so many things that we cannot attend everything.

And, when we don't get invited to something, it really doesn't hurt my feelings as usually we get invited to an average of 9 things a month all through the year. That's over 100 things a month on top of the normal things we are involved in. Insane, eh? It's just my 2 kids and I. That does not include playdates either.

But, even a person like me who has lots of friends to choose from, even I can sometimes feel isolated or would want to isolate.

The key to avoid isolation is to really learn to serve and put other's interests above your own. Some people do great at this, and others don't. Connection is truly letting people into your lives, letting them know the real you, and being okay with that. It's accepting others as they are and being present.

A hundred years ago, people needed each other more, so there was a significant amount of connected. Even when I was a kid 30 years ago, there was just Atari. You couldn't play video games with people across the country, or town, or world. You could beat heck virtually out of a person with a userid and never see their face or know anything about them.

How sad that is.

There is something really good about face-to-face. You can see their body language, their facial expressions, hear their voice. It's good. Get more face-to-face time with people. Find places where people want to connect and make the time for it, in person.

I do it at my church, with my family, with girlfriends, my single moms' group, with former colleagues. I don't always feel like doing it, but am always glad I did. It gets me a little closer to them.

Take the effort to reach out to others. Maybe they are just as lonely as you and just want a little human touch, or to hear a friendly voice.

God bless you!

Doris Web Developer

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