Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Wed, 21-Dec-2011

Colorful Gerbera Daisy by twg1942
Colorful Gerbera Daisy, a photo by twg1942 on Flickr.

The photographer of this flower has captured well the essence and beauty of it - the delicacy, as well as the brilliance, yet such a simplicity.

Yesterday was the last school day of 2011 for my children. Today was a day of rest to shake off some of the stuff from this year. Over the past 2 days, I've gotten a chance to reconnect with some old friends, which all happened to be single males. That is quite interesting.

And, today I got an opportunity to get to know someone a bit better, another male, yet married. I'd have to say all the conversations with each male has been fun and fascinating.

As a learned observer of life, particularly my life, it intrigues me to see how God is changing me, helping me to conform more to His image, or that I see aspects of myself that aren't really all that godly.

Among these men, there is a range of strong faith, to weak faith, to different faith, to no faith rather self reliance.

All day long I've spent resting and just listening & reading about relationships and how to understand the dynamics of men and women better.

To these Gerbera Daisies, they seem vastly feminine, yet striking and gorgeous. I wonder if I am that, not only on the outside, but on the inside. Do I know and believe in the woman God made me to be, or am I filled with self doubt.

As I look at some of my friends with recent connections, now I look more inwardly and wonder if I've changed enough, evolved enough.

A different man in my life tells me I am perfect the way I am, that I need no changing. For a person that is in a perpetual state of continuous improvement, maybe that's something I have not learned to accept. Maybe what he meant was that right at this moment, I am perfect despite my flaws which maybe he sees as beautiful.

So, today I am learning to enjoy being a woman, to bask in the attention of good men in my life and appreciate each of my relationships with them whether they be frequent communications or seldom. Each add a different, unique element all their own.

God is so very good, and today I've been enable to embrace the whole day and what came with it. Have you?

Doris Web Developer

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