Friday, January 20, 2012

Fri, 20-Jan-2012 -- Courage

Courage by Deep-Fried Goodness
Courage, a photo by Deep-Fried Goodness on Flickr.
Today as I look back at my past, I think of so many people who have been courageous and have role-modeled this to me. Some have long since passed away, while others still living.

In Joshua 1:9, it says, "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." The Israelites in this time were going to be entering a foreign land that God promised to them that is flowing with milk and honey.

Although the land was bountiful, it was a dangerous land and they had to conquer, to fight for the land. It was dangerous. But, God said that He would be with them throughout all of that.

As I think of my own life, God does not desire for my kids and I to live in spiritual poverty, to be fearful and timid. He has lands for us to conquer and He will help us conquer those lands. It doesn't mean there aren't giants in the land, because surely there are.

What does that translate into? What are the things that hold you back from living the life you can and ought?

It's taken a lot of courage to stop being a private, hidden person, the one I was in my 20s and 30s. In my 40s, I'm learning to let go and face the demons I have allowed into my life whether it is through the generations I was born into, or that unknowingly allowed into my life.

As I've faced the havoc these demons and their workings have marred in my life, I am reminded of who I am. I am the Lord Jesus Christ's and I can tread over serpents, take my authority in Jesus Christ (so as long as I confess & repent of wrongdoing so there is nothing that would give the devil an opening) over the demonic.

It's easy to run from our problems and just say we are too messed up. The Truth is, nothing is beyond Jesus to fix in our lives. It's easier to live in indifference and apathy, saying we don't really care or even allowing other people to love us, then to make a choice to love or care, because those things require real action, not just words.

It takes courage to step into the Promised Land and take it, then to sit back and gripe, complain, make excuses why you're so f***ed up. I realize that most people don't have the guts to be courageous, but there are those who would venture and say that those demons must be conquered at all costs.  They keep pressing through when it would be so much easier to give up when things don't go your way.

I'm glad God has given me 2 children to whom I can influence, but He's given more so much more than that as I teach little 3-4 yr olds. Some of them now are nearing teenagers and I know that I've gotten the privilege to role-model courage to them. I hope it makes a difference in their lives.

Cowards are a dime a dozen. They take and never pour back.  They run from their problems and take no action. They make excuses and are just talk. Heroes may be afraid, but they continue to take action despite their fear, tiredness and discouragement.  They give back and are living sacrifices.  Their lives count for something.

I would love to hear your hero stories and to be inspired by your courageousness. God bless you!
Doris Web Developer

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