Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sun, 22-Jan-2012 -- Freedom

Freedom by Pardesi*
Freedom, a photo by Pardesi* on Flickr.
"Freedom is not the absence of bars, rather it is the presence of Christ." Sheila Walsh

She goes on to say that freedom isn't circumstantial, but true freedom comes from the inside when the Son of Christ sets you free, you are free indeed.

Freedom doesn't come when this or that happens, it comes from Jesus Christ. I've been learning a lot about freedom in a somewhat painful way, through relationships with people, one in particular.

I found that I was in prison with certain beliefs and mindsets that kept me in bondage. I had become accustomed to feeling and thinking that way, that I knew no difference, that I was even enslaved.

God is so patient. He used the Holy Spirit and certain recent relationships to reveal just how faulty my thinking was. Humbling. But, along with gaining freedom, though Jesus Christ is already my personal Savior, I wasn't living in total freedom, there was a cost for it.

I'm learning some of the cost for me gaining freedom is some people will not come along with me because they remained enslaved to wrong thinking that they cannot or think they cannot get out of. In it of themselves, they can't. But, Christ and total surrender to Christ will bring freedom.

I realize that as I change, some people will become a greater part of my life, some people depart, new people come in. It shows me that I am growing as a person.

Are the people that are showing up in your life steeped in all sorts of bondage & turmoil, a prisoner of their thoughts, feelings and circumstances? Maybe you should look no further at yourself in what God is attempting to show you about yourself.

Observe your life to see what is showing up. It's very curious and interesting.
Doris Web Developer

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