Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Tues, 10-Jan-2012 -- Writing

Writing by jjpacres
Writing, a photo by jjpacres on Flickr.
I'm discovering a lot about writing. It's been awhile since I did business writing and it's completely different than writing for a personal blog, a journal, a forum. For me, writing has been something I do for pleasure, or to express my thoughts and feelings about something.

However, business writing is not about pleasure and depending who you are writing for, you need to cater to the business needs. I've been forcing myself the past few days to write what does not come natural now, but hoping that at some point in time that it does become natural.

As I think about my daily walk with God, unless it's something I do daily, it doesn't become too natural, like a habit. It's something you must consciously do, sometimes even forcing yourself to do things like spend time in God's Word (the Bible), praying, time of worship to God.

It does not come naturally for people to pray outside of crises. For me, worship is to come before God in gratitude. That is something that has become a habit for my kids and I that we do daily. We are working on the daily Bible reading. Prayer is something we have done since they were infants.

However, the big thing that is not natural for my kids and I is worshiping God in song. We don't do it that often and it's something I feel we need to do as a part of worship. There is something about music that lifts the heart and I believe it lifts our hearts to touch God's, sorta like the "Finger of God" painting.
Doris Web Developer

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