Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Wed, 25-Jan-2012 -- Falling In Love

Falling In Love by {peace&love♥}
Falling In Love, a photo by {peace&love♥} on Flickr.
I thought this picture was so awesome and I was thinking of the topic of "Falling in Love" last night, to fall ridiculously in consuming love.

Hope my friend doesn't me borrowing this from something he wrote me:

Nothing is more practical than finding God, that is, than FALLING IN LOVE IN QUITE AN ABSOLUTE, FINAL WAY.

What you are in love with, what seizes your imagination, will effect everything.

It will decide what will get you out of bed in the morning, what you do with your evenings, how you spend your weekends, what you read, who you know, what breaks your heart, and what amazes you with joy and gratitude.

Fall in Love, stay in love, and it will decide everything.

~ Father Pedro Arrupe, SJ (A former head of the Jesuits)

Throughout these past near 5 yrs since my husband chose to leave our marriage and family to make other choices in his life, we've gone through so much hell on this earth. But, one thing I am certain beyond anything is that God is FOR us, and that God's love is so much more incredible than I ever knew before. 

Those who follow me know that I am big into gratitudes and that is a main staple of my walk with God, where I so feel His presence going with me everywhere. I enter daily throughout the day into the courts of the Lord with praise & thanksgiving.

Often I hear his gentle whispers that He loves me, through the beauty of a sunset on a quiet evening, or through the air bursting forth with the laughter of children, particularly my own. Or, sometimes I feel the warm embrace of a friend, so comforting and soothing.

Other times, it will be someone sharing their testimony as to what God has done for them. Maybe it's just driving into that parking lot just as a car pulls out from a prime spot under a tree on a hot summer day that is close to the place I need to go.

And, there will be times an encouraging card comes in the mail with a really nice gift card, or thoughtful, sincere words for a friend, a gesture of thoughtfulness of someone thinking of us when they are getting rid of really nice stuff.

Maybe it's driving down the road and noticing some homes have gorgeous, brilliant flowers that dot their landscape - the fact I can see the rich colors and enjoy them. Or, maybe it's the photographers on Flickr that share their amazing work, and that the God of this Universe can create so many lovely colors and have so many talented people with whom I can enjoy their work.  He is My Artist & Creator.

Then, I think of when I bite into an heirloom cherry tomato and enjoy the delicious, crisp flavor. Maybe I get to walk down the road to greet my neighbor, and that I can walk unassisted and carefreely.  He is My Provider.

Maybe it's waking up groggily in my comfortable bed covered with a down comforter, looking over seeing a pile of WebKinz my son has left there so I would not be alone. Or, maybe it's hearing my daughter sin a praise & worship song, and laughing at me as I mix up the words.  He is My Music.

There are other times like when I'm petrified to go further, crying, on my knees not knowing if I can go any longer, and I see His arms (figuratively) reach towards me to pick me up, and say, "I'll carry you right now.  Don't worry."  He's had to do this so many times these past 5 yrs.  Then, there are those times I'm angry, hurting, and He just holds me and I sob into Him profusely until there are no more tears.  I look into His face and He whispers to me that it'll be alright, letting Him hold me, as I rest in Him.  He is my Protector & Healer.

My God loves me, loves my children so very much. I feel incredibly loved, and that despite circumstances, so richly and generously loved. Sometimes God shouts to me His glory, other times He whispers loving words and thoughts. Sometimes we dance through the day, as if in a beautiful ballet, or sometimes a crazy, fun Latin dance.

To be safey in love with my Lord . . . what a way of life.
Doris Web Developer

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