Tuesday, January 24, 2012


I love Skillet and it's no secret.  Sometimes there is this dark side to me and it helps to have a Christian group that just has that edgy sound as I sometimes feel, that harshness.  Sometimes people think that I'm all happy go lucky, but those closest to me see that isn't the case.  I do have those down, depressing times more than I'd like to admit.  However, due to "The Compound Effect" of certain things I am disciplined in doing, this keeps me on the more positive side, praising and thanking God.

Some of those things are regular time in God's Word, doing worship with my kids in Gratitudes & Blessings, and Prayer.  Daily doing these things has really helped transform the lives of my kids and I, and where there are many times we could've sunk deep into the pit of despair and depression and just hanging on a thread, God does something supernatural.

This is another Skillet video called "Sometimes".  It is a bit depressing, but there was someone recently in my life that this song is so for him.  But, the fact is, I was at this point in my life many times, so not pointing fingers.  I'm really glad Skillet is willing to address the darker side of things.

But, the hope always in Jesus Christ.  It may not look like what you expect.  Come as you are.  Jesus accepts you completely where you are.  It doesn't matter what you've done.  He loves you.

Drop me a line on how I can pray for you.  I'd love to hear from you.
Doris Web Developer

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