Saturday, January 28, 2012

Sat, 28-Jan-2012 -- Helping Hands

Helping hand by treeffe2000
Helping hand, a photo by treeffe2000 on Flickr.
I really love community so much, and I mean true community. Buildings don't make a community, rather it's the bonds of relationships, compassion, love, and care combined with actions that form community.

Today I got to see great community. It wasn't my plan today to help anyone with moving, as there were other things scheduled. Those things fell through, but during the week, God impressed upon me the need to be more connected and be in community.

Community doesn't always mean that it's convenient. In community, everyone takes up a little bit of the burdens, so that no one is overloaded. I truly love how many people in our church are in community.

It's not to say that everyone is like that, but for those that do, there is a huge benefit. People coming together for one common purpose. It may get a bit dirty and ugly, but so what?

I know there have been countless people over these past 5 yrs who instead of standing by the sidelines, chose to lend a helping hand to us. That meant more to us than those who just thought about it and never did anything.

It convicts me in a deeper way to reach out even more and love on people right where they are at, which is not always convenient with my schedule. There is a balance and one could get all nutso about this, but if God impresses upon your heart to reach out and help or minister to someone, do it.

You'll definitely bless them as well as receive a blessing yourself. God is so very good.

And, I'm just so impressed with just the people that showed up to do 2 of the moves while I was there helping. People showing love by lending a helping hand. God bless you.
Doris Web Developer

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