Monday, November 21, 2016

The Intentional Woman: Pursuing a Heart of Wisdom - Chapter 7 - The Intentional Mother

1.  Write down any thoughts or insights that you gained from reading this chapter.  What was notable to you from the reading?  

I think the thing that most struck me was I couldn't teach something if I really didn't KNOW or experienced it.  Children can see right through you and whether you are being true or not.

2.  What do you think it means that marriage and mothering are schoolrooms for God's sanctification in our lives?  How is this true in your life?

I see schoolrooms as different subjects, but something where we have to learn.  Sanctification is allowing God to use every relationship and situation in our lives to draw us closer and grow us in our relationship with Jesus Christ.  I have found that through my marriage and children, God reveals different things that need to be weeded out of my heart and life, as well as transforming different things.  It's not an easy process because I find I can be quite distracted and I wonder why my own kids have trouble focusing.

Well, I am all over the place, overcommitted, overburdened, overwhelmed.  Not everything my husband and children are that I am, but I can see areas where I have done well and other areas that greatly need improvement and how those areas are not as they should be.

3.  According to Deuteronomy 6:5-9, what has God instructed parents to teach their children?  Why is this so important?

Deuteronomy 6:5-9Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.

God must be number one and you must remember and walk in that always.  It's important not only because God says so, but when we put anything before God, it is idolatry, which is a sin.  With God, we will have an unexplainable peace that we cannot have with anyone else.

4.  Which of the "Five Musts for Mom" spoke to your heart and why?  What Scriptures spoke to your heart?

Be decidedly proactive spoke to me.  I see my husband as being much better than this than me because I have too much on my plate or I take on too much that I cannot see the forest from the trees.  I tend to be often reactive than proactive, which is not biblical.  No Scriptures came to mind.

5.  What practical, Biblical mothering tip would you most like to share with a younger mom?

Whatever THIS is, it won't be forever.  Enjoy this time and learn.  Whatever keeps happening, there must be something in it for you to learn, grow and change.

Making It Personal Journal

Write any thoughts or convictions that you have in regard to this chapter?  What personal lessons from this chapter on The Intentional Mom will you apply in your own life?  What steps of actions will you take to be more intentional in this area?

I really need to not be so reactive.  Have a good plan before things happen and when they do happen, I can be proactive, NOT reactive.  I need to pay attention and be aware of what my kids are doing, follow up and check on them, not trust that they made the right choice.  Then, I need to calmly follow up with consequences, if it's negative, but not in an angry way.
Doris Web Developer

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