Tuesday, February 21, 2017

The Intentional Woman: Pursuing a Heart of Wisdom - Chapter 11 - The Intentional Woman

1.  Write down any thoughts or insights that you gained from reading this chapter.  What was notable to you from the reading?

The Proverbs 31 woman didn't happen overnight and it was from a mature Christian woman, one who had been a maturing, growing woman for a long time.  The husband really is confident in her because she takes care of things at home and everything surrounding it.

2.  The excellent woman is sometimes a daunting and intimidating image for women.  Women feel that they can't ever measure up to her standard.  It is important for us to realize God has left her example in Scripture for us to learn from.  Describe one of her qualities that you admire most and why?

She never speaks badly about her husband, protects her husband and family, especially in words.  She doesn't complain.

3.  How did the excellent woman guard her husband?  How did she guard her children?  What else did she guard?   (Read back through Proverbs 31:10-31)

She does not speak badly about her husband and protects the sanctity of her marriage.  She raises and teaches her children well with not just her words, but her example.  She corrects them and sees that they all fear God.  She is a well-balanced woman, even though she does a great deal.  She guards her health and though a lot is on her plate, she does get enough rest.

4.  This excellent woman "looked well to the ways of her household and did not eat the bread of idleness."  What "bread of idleness" may keep women from taking care of their homes and families properly?  Do you struggle with any of these?  Explain.

Social media, tv, shopping, gossip, pampering herself, too many commitments, too many causes, being unrealistic about expectations, keeping up with the Jones', perfectionism, give up attitude rather than see this as a process, exhaustion, being unorganized, too much clutter can all keep a woman from taking care of her home and family properly.  Those things can be big time distractions.

I am challenged with over committing myself to things, which then leaves me exhausted.  Also, sometimes I want to do too much in too short of a time, which leaves me burned out.  When I'm exhausted and burned out, then I don't want to be organized or do the things I need.  And, sometimes my standards are just too high and I need to just lower them to be more realistic.  My husband and kids don't demand those standards of me, nor does God, so why should I place them upon myself like that.

5.  It is interesting that Proverbs 1:7 opens the book of Proverbs with this:  "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge . . . " and Proverbs 31:30 closes the book of Proverbs with "But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised."  The fear of the Lord or reverence of God is an important theme in the book of Proverbs.  We know that to fear God is the beginning of being able to understand or have true wisdom about anything.  And, there is praise for those who recognize a life inspired by a heart that reverences God by those who recognize God in her.

What else can we learn from the following verses about fearing or reverencing God and what it accomplishes for us?  In what ways will you apply these to your life?

Proverbs 10:27The fear of the Lord adds length to life, but the years of the wicked are cut short. (NIV)

I must daily be connected and draw close to God, have a deep and great respect for God.  With having a close relationship to God, keeping no sin unrepented and unhealed, this will not allow the enemy to have the legal right to attack me.  This will lead to a longer life.

Proverbs 14:26-27 - 26 In the [a]fear of the Lord there is strong confidence, And [b]his children will have refuge.  27 The [c]fear of the Lord is a fountain of life, That one may avoid the snares of death. (NASB)

It's similar to the verse above.  If all my sins are confessed, repented and my soul is healed from the trauma of these sins going back through the generations to Adam and Eve, the enemy (Satan) will not have a legal right to mess with me.  As my prayers are effectual, my husband and kids have a place they can safely reside in because I am constantly in a spiritual war for all of us.

Proverbs 15:16A simple life in the Fear-of-God  is better than a rich life with a ton of headaches. (MSG)

I am learning that having more "stuff" is not necessarily better.  As I've gotten rid of a lot of "stuff" really in our home, I am feeling freer and my life seems to be MUCH richer as a result because I'm not being weighed down by a bunch of junk that I thought was worth a lot.

Proverbs 19:23The fear of the Lord leads to life; one will sleep at night[a]without danger. (HCSB)

Having peace is not overrated.  Peace is good and being able to get a good night's sleep not ladened with nightmares or physically feeling bad is amazing.  For years I didn't get good sleep and now I do.  Good sleep is nourishing and healing to one's body, mind and soul.  Having that close, intimate relationship with God means that there is a short leash between God and me.  We are close and aren't separated by sin.


Write any thoughts or convictions that you have in regards to this chapter.  What personal lessons concerning the excellent woman will you apply in your own life?  How will you be more intentional as a woman of God?

It's all a process.  I am to create more balance in my life between keeping my home and life.  I tend to be a workaholic, so I need to make sure to have times of rest, too, so that I can do all that God has for me to do.  And, I continue to work at speaking good about my husband and children.  It's easy when I'm in a good mood, but when I'm in a bad mood (like when I'm tired & exhausted, burned out), it's more challenging.  So the key is to not get to the point of exhaustion and burn out.

Make sure to take time daily to rest, and really rest in the Lord.  Realize that God didn't create this world in a day and I cannot accomplish everything in a day.
Doris Web Developer

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