Monday, September 11, 2017

When You Rise Up: Chapter 1 - The Best Job Ever

Zion National Park, Utah (2015)
The weeks to come, I am going to be doing with my Titus group When You Rise Up written by Lee Sumner.  It's a book of wisdom for moms who want to parent with purpose.

1.  Share your own experience of having your first child.  What surprised you most?

I was really surprised that I didn't gain very much weight - 13 lbs total.  And I was surprised Labor and Delivery was so quick and easy.  I had exercised throughout my pregnancy.  My daughter came 2-3 weeks early.  And I didn't really feel the labor pains.  She just really popped out.  It was fairly easy.  Despite my getting pregnant with her out of wedlock, I was so surprised at God's Grace & Mercy for me in giving me a great and easy pregnancy.  And, after I gave birth, I had no weight to lose rather I weighed less than before I got pregnant.

2.  In your experience, what has been the most difficult part of being a mom?  What has been the greatest joy?  Who has been a source of encouragement to you?

The most difficult part of being a mom is to correct & discipline my kids consistently.  The greatest joy has been leading both of them to Christ at early ages.  My greatest source of encouragement in this motherhood has been this women's group - Titus.

3.  Read Luke 1:26-38 and Luke 2:8-20.

  • Describe how you think Mary felt concerning her "greatest job" ever?
I think she felt very scared, nervous, confused.
  • What do you learn about Mary from Luke 1:38?
She must have had great faith and trust in God.  She truly believed.
  • What insight can you glean about her from Luke 2:19.
She had a really close relationship with God.
  • How does Mary's example as a mother encourage you as mother today?  What hope does her life story bring?
I'm really not sure.  I feel so different than Mary.  I'm not sure what hope it brings for me.

4.  What encouragement do you receive from the following verses as they apply to being a mother?  Share your insights.
  • Jeremiah 29:11 - God has a plan for each of our lives.  Even though we have trials and go through tough stuff, He is using those things for the better and for good.
  • Philippians 4:4-8 - I love these verses.  It tells us to think on good thoughts.  To be thankful in everything.  To bring our concerns and requests to God.  God will give us peace.
5.  Share one thought or Bible verse from this chapter that most encouraged you.

I really love Philippians 4:4-8.  Those verses always encourage me.  That God has everything under control.
Doris Web Developer

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