Saturday, May 15, 2010


I will do my best to update on what has been going on with me spiritually. I wanted to keep this blog more upbeat and positive, but one of the things of spiritual growth is as God works much deeper in our lives, we are pulled out of comfort zones, going to something we perceive as unsafe.

Been going through so much spiritually since I last posted a blog entry here. God has been going deeply and it has been gut-wrenching. There has been fear, anger, resentment, and a lot of questions I have for God.

There have been multiple times in the past 3 months where I've begun writing an entry but have gotten distracted over and over again to never post. Thank you for your patience. Hopefully in the weeks to come, I can share some of how God is working, and though the intent was to be positive, that is not reality for me.

Currently, I'm going through some tumultuous spiritual times and it's a huge battle. Not fun stuff.
Doris Web Developer

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