Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Something I noticed in the Bible was that God does things differently all the time, even with the same person.  God may have rescued David in one area in a particular way, and then in a similar instance, not rescued him and allowed him to endure or go through some things, or He totally did something different, thus, a different outcome.

There are times I get stuck in a rut of thinking that God answered my prayers this way in the past and that He ought to do similarly this time, right?  REALLY?  He's God!!  Who am I to tell Him how to be?  He is God!

As I continue to learn, God anoints various people for certain things.  I just thought anointing was the pouring on of oil onto someone's head and then the oil flows down.  I also almost see this in terms of the "knighting" process such as that of King Arthur's time.  Maybe that's totally incorrect thinking. 

But, there is a process that a person goes through either way.  It's not like you show up and wham bam, you're anointed.  There is a process, a preparation that one must go through.  What that is exactly?  I have no clue, but it's a special time.  I can envision a cleaning up, because it's a sacrificial time.  A moment that thereafter you walk differently in your destiny.

Joshua and Caleb had special anointing in their lives.  They had to see things with fresh eyes and there was a process of preparation from the time they saw the Giants in the Promised Land to the time they would be allowed to go into the Promised Land.  God was doing a new thing.  However, the old stuff had to die -- the doubtful, unbelieving, disobedient generation.

I bet waiting all those years in the desert wasn't always too fun.  It's not like they were sitting around tapping their feet for 40 years or however many years it was, nor were they probably sitting around playing bridge.  They were probably sharpening their skills to be able to defeat the "giants" in the Promised Land.  Though it was a "land flowing with milk and honey", it was also a hostile environment.  It was their destiny, but it would have to be fought for.

A part of the preparation time was not only preparing & equipping themselves, but also the generation that was being raised, a new generation that knew their destinies and knew that they could conquer the "giants" in the land that God promised them.

God has a "Promised Land" for me, a destiny.  He hasn't laid the whole map out for me or all the details, but as I step forward, I can be certain that as I align myself with God, it's the safest and best place to be.  God needs for me to see with new eyes, toss out the disbelief & disobedience and to walk confidently in my authority in Jesus Christ forward.  Without Christ, I cannot do it. 
Doris Web Developer

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