Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tues, 28-Feb-2012 -- Making the Most of Your Time

As I've shared in the past, Skillet is one of my favorite groups.  This is one of the top songs on Air1 right now but their awake album has been out for quite some time.  They have so many good songs.

Today I was listening to Air1 and every time I hear about what is happening in terms of them reaching out to others, especially to those with Cleft Palates in Afghanistan.  I couldn't help but cry as I hear about all the people who donated to help make this possible for these people.  Collectively each making a difference.  Some knit caps and other garmets for someone else for Mike to take over to Afghanistan.  To these people, they made a huge difference in their lives.
As I listen to this song, time passes by at the same rate.  Some people waste their time doing trivial things that impact no one, rather everything is ME focused.  Others serve others and give unselfishly.  It's totally amazing and incredible.
We cannot control other people, only what we do.  Even if all you can do, let's say you're homebound, is to pray for someone, to encourage them.  It's a huge deal.
There are sacrifices that I and others are making for my kids right now and though it may seem crazy, I have these moments of their growing up years and I don't want to pass them by.  Somehow, God will equip (and He has) me to do this and still provide for my kids & I.  I don't regret for a moment all the time with my kids.  God has blessed me beyond measure.
Doris Web Developer

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