Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tues, 21-Aug-2012 -- Sadness

Sadness by A Crack in Nature
Sadness, a photo by A Crack in Nature on Flickr.

How does something once so happy turn into something so sad, so dismal? The Bible speaks of joy turning to mourning and mourning turning to joy.

As I look back at my life, there are some things that started off so joyful that turned into great sadness and the sadness continues. Tonight, I think it reached a new low for me, and I had to reflect on how it got from where it seemed happy, but turned into this lifelong thing of sadness, grief, pain.

Then, I looked at some things in my life that seemed so painsakingly challenging, but, in the end, it's been joyful.

Why did the Bible speak of such a paradox? What am I to do with this information?

Maybe it's looking at things with eyes wide opened, working through the challenges and tough stuff to build a solid and good foundation FIRST . . . and then reap the results of the initial hard work, THEN you will reap a good harvest.

Let's deal with the tough stuff first . . . work through those things. If we can survive these challenging times, the rest is smooth sailing.

It all makes sense now.

Doris Web Developer

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