Thursday, August 26, 2010

Shows Up

What's showing up in your life?

Are you surrounded by a bunch of people complaining or people apathetic or are they excited, motivated or are they encouragers?

Look back at my life, it seemed like there were periods that it seemed like I only attracted people who complained, or people who were victims, or people really into fitness and diehards. As I've changed, various people have come and gone. Some of those whom have gone, have come back, but different. Others are gone forever (perhaps).

For most of my life, I've succumbed to the "venting" spirit and now I realize that was a lie of the enemy's that really drilled itself very deeply in me, became a big part of me. In order for me to destress, often playing endless games of racquetball, working out, writing, or talking about it were my normal ways of dealing with all this stress. Afterall, I'd heard that you need to get it out of your system.

I wasn't killing anyone or berating them, rather I took all that negative energy and used it for good, right? WRONG!!! What that was doing was really fueling the stress, the anger. It was really just pouring gasoline on a pretty big fire, making the fire even greater. NOT GOOD!

Recently I read an article that did a study on this. The results showed that people who "vented" actually were worse off than those that just quietly sat still to cool down. It showed that this latter method allowed the person to think on a neutral scale, that that was effective at combatting these stresses.

So, I would surmise that meditating, doing yoga, deep breathing, or listening to quiet music to calm you down was far better than "venting". Of course, since this is a Christian blog, meditating on the Word of God can do wonders!! You are claiming and declaring Truth. Truth is life giving.

I'm finding that when I'm angry, it helps to pray, quote Scriptures that I've memorized, and bless the situation or person I'm upset with. My goodness!!! This has really changed the people that show up in my life, as well as how people are responding to me. Even my ex-husband has been far more cooperative.

Anyway, so if you find a lot of angry people in your life, maybe you ought to look at yourself and see if you're angry.

If you find that there are a lot of happy people in your life, maybe you genuinely are happy. Good for you!

Lately, I've been noticing a lot of people around me are getting into fitness & making better choices with their diets. This is soooo very cool, because guess what? It probably means that these are things coming out of me or I'm attracting it somehow. Woohoo!!!

There are some other things/people I'd like to attract, so I'm going to ask God what in me that is causing me to NOT attract those things and to change that. God is working and I really hope I'm submitting to what He's showing me.
Doris Web Developer

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