Sunday, December 18, 2011

Sat, 17-Dec-11 (After Party)

I had been really longing to spend time with some of my college friends and just catch up. Last year, I missed the annual Christmas party as I accidentally blocked evite in my email account. Found out I had missed 84 invitations from Mar to Dec'10.

This year, Lily made sure I got the invitation by personally emailing me. So glad she did. My kids love going to this party as there are many kids, people, good food, and their mommy just gets to relax & chat with old friends.

It's been a hard week emotionally for me, so it was really good for my soul to just be with people who loved & cared for me, as we just pick up from where we left off. This has been going on for more than 20 yrs.

Most looked similar, maybe just a little older, a little wiser. I didn't realize how much I missed them. This year, it was just a bunch of us gals (all engineer graduates), which normally there are some of our male college friends there, but not this year. Unusual.

Some of the gals are still single, others married. I was the only one of us gals with children there this year. It's the same, but it's not. Hard to explain.

But, there was something comforting for my soul - not a need to be pretentious, but just be myself, with a few more scars under my belt. But, that's okay.

For a moment, I got to forget the drama and just chill with my gals. Okay, some of the gals had their significant others there, but they were good and it's that connection of being understood. No games.

I'm really glad we went. My daughter got a toilet mug, my son a cookie kit, and me, some candle holder stuff for the gift exchange. It's always fun.

I feel very blessed to be surrounded by so many people who love us. Though we all came back this time with some scars and not unscathed, but we were together again for a richness that money could not buy.

Once again, despite everything, God has blessed me beyond measure.
Doris Web Developer

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