Thursday, August 12, 2010


For a very long time, I've been really interested in health. I've followed some of Jordan Rubin's stuff, as well as Joseph Mercola, the Metabolic Typing Diet, and a number of other people's recommendations on how to live and eat better for better health. Each of these people have wonderful things that I learned about and I'm so blessed to have had time to soak this information & knowledge in, however, much of it involved a great deal of work.

Yes, it is work to be healthy -- daily, dilligent steps, the correct steps.

Due to many circumstances, over the past 3 years, I've greatly simplified how my kids and I eat. In the past, we had much more money to deal with, and thus we bought things like supplements, powders, minerals, herbs, oils, vitamins, and all sorts of expensive things. You can say this was a forced financial housecleaning over these past 3 yrs, particularly the last.

What Satan meant for evil has turned out for good.

The kids and I just got back to the basics and really mainly buying single item foods -- free range organic chicken, wild fish, grass fed beef & lamb, organic eggs, a lot of organic fruit & veggies, raw nuts (don't know if they are organic or not), legumes, and sparingly organic dairy. There are odds & ends like unfiltered appled cidar vinegar, psyllium husk, olive oil, coconut oil, non-gluten grains that we do buy, but they are also all single item things.

It's keep our foods simple, fresh (or frozen) which is much easier on our body.

Though I have been overweight all my life, eating this way without introducing foods that have ingredients that I cannot produce, refined sugar, processed foods, gluten, regular dairy has really been the real culprit in keeping that weight on and making me feel so sluggish, brain fog, irritable.

Think about what your lifestyle is like and figure out how you can eat healthy, get moving so you get some physical activity (typing or using your elaborate cell phone are not considered physical activities). God wants you to take care of your health & body. Afterall, your bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit and our bodies are one thing God has entrusted to us.
Doris Web Developer

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