Saturday, January 21, 2012

Sat, 21-Jan-2012 -- Chaos & Clarity

Eyeglass by tonktn28
Eyeglass, a photo by tonktn28 on Flickr.
Today has been a jam packed day filled with lots to do, and well more than I could handle. As the Chinese New Year approaches in a couple days, I think about and begin acting upon what I know and what is right to do.

Though I was born & raised in the U.S., the core of me is still Chinese. And, just like billions of Chinese this weekend have been preparing for the new year through cleaning, so have my kids and I.

Sometimes we don't even see the chaos or turmoil we are in until we begin to look more closely. I heard someone say today that sometimes God will allow chaos into our lives to bring clarity. Honestly, I don't even know if that was a biblical statement or not.

I didn't realize how messy something things had gotten physically in our home until we began cleaning. The more we cleaned, the worse things looked.

I've been doing similarly with relationships in my life and my finances. Sometimes before things can really look better, they actually get worse for a period of time. Then, there is that point where things are trending in the right direction.

In the Wizard of Oz, when the tornado came at Dorothy's house, what was the first thing that went? It was the white picket fence. Chaos just erupted. Eventually, out of that chaos came clarity, but it wasn't without its pain & heartache.

Now is the time to get rid of the fantasies and to live God's dream for my life. Just walking this out one day at a time. Thank you for letting me share my life with you.
Doris Web Developer

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