Spring Mountain Ranch State Park, Nevada (Nov'16) |
For me, the most challenging part of disciplining my kids is consistency. I tend to be a bit extreme either super nice until the kids take that for granted and then I fly off the handle. My husband is in the middle usually and he's very consistent. I tend to take after my parents and I know it can be quite confusing. However, in the past 4-5 years, since my husband and I have been married, we've been working together to help me be more consistent. It isn't easy.
Proverbs 29:15 says, "Punishment and discipline can make children wise, but children who are never corrected will bring shame to their mother."
The 3 lessons - Don't Discipline in Anger; Discipline for disobedience or rebellion, not accidents or childishness; Be Consistent in Discipline are really wise things for me to do to be a more effective parent. And those 3 things are things I continue to work on. When I get overwhelmed, lack sleep, over commit to things, I tend to not make good decisions and can discipline in anger. I need to probably count to 10 and acknowledge that I'm angry, tired, overwhelmed or whatever emotionally charged and wait until I cool down.
My husband is a much better example.
2. What are some key values and teachings that you have been teaching or want to become intentional about teaching your children? Are you consistent in partnering with your husband on these values and goals?
I want to teach my children that disobedience and rebellion bring about not good consequences, to accept responsibility for their choices and the outcome. And the correction and discipline that we are doing is because we are teaching them because we love them. We want them to make good choices with hopefully good consequences and that they learn to make wise choices for themselves.
For the most part, I am consistent in partnering with my husband in these values, but if anyone falters, it's me. I can be too permissive sometimes, or sometimes I think my husband is too harsh and then I feel like I want to usurp him. A few times I've done this and it hasn't been good between us and it ALWAYS backfires on me with the kids.
3. Review the four Biblical principles for disciplining children in this chapter. Discuss which of the four were most beneficial or helpful and why.
The discipline with consistency is the most beneficial because this helps my children learn better rather than learn to be manipulators, which I think I have created. I notice that because of my inconsistencies, the kids try to get away things with me, but rarely try to do this with my husband. I truly believe that consistency helps my kids WAY better than being inconsistent, by providing them with safety and love, but also helps them make better decisions for themselves.
4. Sometimes the hardest part of parenting (or doing anything) is waiting to see the results of our efforts. How do these verses give you encouragement?
- Galatians 6:9 - We must not get tired of doing good. We will receive our harvest of eternal life at the right time. We must not give up.. (ERV)
- I think it's obvious from this verse to keep up the fight, to keep on keeping on because the end result WILL be good, even if the short-term may be frustrating.
- Ephesians 6:10-12 - 10 Finally, build up your strength in union with the Lord and by means of his mighty power. 11 Put on all the armor that God gives you, so that you will be able to stand up against the Devil's evil tricks. 12 For we are not fighting against human beings but against the wicked spiritual forces in the heavenly world, the rulers, authorities, and cosmic powers of this dark age. (GNT)
- .These verses tell me I cannot do it alone that I NEED God's strength. I need the WHOLE armor of God and I must rely on Him. I must NOT give the devil any place and the fight I see right before me isn't from an earthly realm, but in the spiritual realm. That is why in order to defeat the enemy, I might fight this as a spiritual war, with spiritual weapons. Only God can truly defeat the enemy.
- Psalm 34:15 - The eyes of the Lord are toward the righteous [those with moral courage and spiritual integrity] And His ears are open to their cry. (AMP)
- My righteousness comes from Jesus Christ and being in right standing before Him, repented, forgiven. God hears my cries. He listens and He acts.
5. Is your child or children struggling with obeying you? Why do you think this is true? Prayerfully ask the Lord if there are issues of inconsistency in your way of disciplining. Or if you have discipline in anger, will you confess that anger to God now. Perhaps you need to seek your child's forgiveness as well.
Yes, my children struggle at times to obey, but now seeing other people's children and how they are in their teens, I see that my kids struggle way less than other teens to obey because at least when they were young, I did correct & discipline them, while loving on them. Though I wasn't consistent, I did set healthy boundaries usually for them and now they are able to make much better choices in their lives.
There are inconsistencies still in how I discipline or when I discipline. I can get a little lazy on this depending on my husband more on this, but I need to make sure I am following through. What helps is if I write things down.
I have disciplined in anger, but I have gotten much better at not doing this. I have repented for these times. And, I have asked my kids to forgive me.
6. Share one verse or insight from this chapter that gave you encouragement and hope as a mom. Why did you choose that verse?
I love Proverbs 29:17, "Discipline your children, and they will give you peace of mind and will make your heart glad." I am seeing how correction and discipline has helped our kids choose better friends and people to be around them. They haven't tried to be sneaky now as they are teenagers because I corrected this when they were much younger, even before my husband came into their lives. It was a challenge then to get them to not be sneaky, correct & discipline, but we're seeing the fruit now. And, I pray it continues as they leave the house as adults to choose to surround themselves with good people and choose to make good & wise choices for their lives.
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