Monday, January 23, 2012

Mon, 23-Jan-2012 -- The Leidenfrost Effect

The Leidenfrost Effect by geetarooman
The Leidenfrost Effect, a photo by geetarooman on Flickr.
I love science and I find the Leindenfrost Effect quite interesting how it occurs. You can see this happen when the pan is hot enough and you drop some water into it and the drops just skitter across without evaporating quickly due to where the temperature of the pan is at or above the Leidenfrost temperature.

Today is the beginning of the new year for billions of Chinese around the world. It is the Year of the Dragon. It's supposed to be a good year, but I'm not superstitious nor do I subscribe to superstition.

So, how does Chinese New Year's, the Leidenfrost Effect and this spiritual God blog all correlate in this Chinese woman's mind? I've been thinking a lot about life and death, about man's search for significance, and does what we do really matter.

Logic would dictate that if water hits a hot pan, it should quickly evaporate, but when it doesn't, that's pretty odd. Just as when gold is refined, and a person is refined spiritually. How does turning up the heat help them to get better, to become a purer entity?

The question Solomon asked so very long ago, my paraphrase is, does it matter? That's the book of Ecclesiastes in a nutshell -- DOES IT MATTER?

If you died today, would it really matter to anyone? Did you make enough of an impact that anyone really cared if you were gone? Was your life worth it? Do you even care?

Or, were you so self-absorbed in all your own "stuff", being comfortable with you, that you didn't pour into anyone? What if you disappeared? Would it matter?

I think everyone has a God-shaped void in their lives that only the one and true God can fill. However, many of us attempt to fill it with all sorts of things - work, pleasures, money, travel, people, doing stuff, self-improvement, various religions & gods, and the list goes on. Only the ONE TRUE ONE can fill this need in your life.

I had someone recently want me to care and love for them so much. It was really important. Why? If I didn't give my love, what would happen? When I did, what would happen? A God-shaped void that only He can fill, not me.

We have this effect when the sh** hits the fan, or maybe there isn't any pressing thing but there is an unrest in our souls that just nags at us. We try to soothe it with all sorts of things, but nothing except God can fill this.

Maybe as the breath of the dragon attempts to ignite us, maybe we've grown so cold and stale, that it's easier to not feel, to not want, to make excuses. Maybe it's easier to not matter to anyone, because that requires action.

I just want to encourage those who don't think they matter, you do matter. There is one who cares -- Jesus Christ. And, if there is no one else, He cares for YOU!

Don't be fooled. Make your life count for something. Sometimes we don't get a pouring out into our lives because we've never poured into anyone else. Start today to make your life count with at least one person other than yourself. Invite Christ into your life to give you the strength to live a life that counts for something.

God bless you! I'd love to hear how you matter to other people.
Doris Web Developer

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