Sunday, January 22, 2012


I would have to admit that I see where I am in my life and being a person that is continually seeking to improve, to be better, to be healed, to grow & mature as a person, that somehow I assume and want that for others. The fact is, not everyone wants that for their lives or if they do, do they want it at the rate I want it, or in the method I do. Just because someone may see it differently for themselves, does not mean that is either right or wrong, it's just not me.

Tonight as I took ministry training at church, it was reiterated to not manipulate or cause damage to someone in their healing process, in how God wants to work in their lives.  It totally struck me as I wanted so desperately to get past my own issues, that I wanted that for others.  One person came to mind in particular, and I feel bad for how I pushed that person to heal quickly, to do it in my own timing, rather than just letting God deal with the person.

Anyway, today was Class 1/5 of ministry training and it was really good.  I can be a person that really aggressively wants good for people's lives and make things go too fast, push too hard, and just really not realize it.  Good intentions. 

Maybe some people really don't want to heal, and I need to be okay with that.  Because when you get healed of crap in your life, things change.  Expectations changes.  Lots of things change.  Maybe some people don't want that change for whatever reasons.  It's not my place to tell someone they need to change.  It's up to them.  Timing.

I'm sure there were times others were frustrated with me because I just wasn't getting it, but through the course of time, circumstances, God changing me, I eventually was ready to change and did.  God does the real changing, but only when I am ready to surrender to God to allow Him to change me.

In the meantime, I'm called to love people just where they are at and let Jesus flow through me and do the stuff Jesus did.  I have so much learn.  Anyway, I can't heal myself or anyone.  Only Jesus can heal.  I'd like to share this song by Sheri Carr called "This Heart of Mine".  I hope the song blesses you as it's blessed me.  It's from her "Fearless Now" album.
Doris Web Developer

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