Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Jezebel Spirit

I've been reading this book by Sandie Freed called Destiny Thieves.  It's an excellent book.  One of the things that it talks about the Jezebel spirit and her characteristics.  It is just simply awful.

Jezebel wants power & position as she wants complete control.  She doesn't stay in relationships or areas where she cannot control or manipulate them.  I just wanted to briefly share what Sandie's book talks about the traits of a Jezebel spirit.

1.  Controls through flattery
2.  Attempts to manipulate and control through false prophesy
3.  Attracts the weak & codependent
4.  Operates in confusion
5.  Manipulates to get his or her way
6.  Seeks position & power
7.  Dislikes repentence
8.  Promotes idolatry
9.  Is attracted to false government
10.  Dislikes authority
11.  Stirs up strife & division
12.  Operates in an atmosphere of frustration, fear & intimidation

What does it take to defeat the Jezebel spirit in your life?  It takes a Jehu spirit, which:

1.  Jehu was a commander.  Like him, we must command the demonic stronghold to go.
2.  He was a conqueror.  We must conquer Jezebel with repentance & with the spirit of Jehu.
3.  He was anointed.  We must endure the processes of God in order to increase our anointing.
4.  Jehu was determined to achieve his destiny.  We must be like Christ & set our faces like flint toward our destinies.
5.  He had a calling to smite his enemy, and he utterly destroyed all!  II Kings 9:7
6.  He slew the false prophets, tore down the false idols & halted false prophecy.  Similarly, we must renew our minds and tear down all exalted imaginations.
7.  Jehu used "full strength" against his enemy.  II Kings 9:24.  We must also use full strength.
8.  Jehu pursued his enemies.  Pursue means that he followed in order to overtake & continued in order to accomplish.  II Kings 9:27.  Just like King David, when he realized that his destiny was to pursue his enemy, he was empowered to overtake & recover all.  We, too, must pursue our enemy.

More on defeating Jezebel:

1.  Repent!!  Jezebel never repented.
2.  Immediately separate yourself from this person/spirit.
3.  Remain submitted to delegated godly authority.
4.  Remain teachable and accountable to authority.
5.  Replace all fear with great faith.
6.  Become a prayer warrior & be spiritually alert.
7.  Develop and rely on your spiritual gift of discernment.
8.  Remove yourself from all idolatry.
9.  Seek servanthood over positions & titles.
10.  Do not seek out an Ahab.
11.  Develop of spirit of Jehu.
12.  Continue to use your spiritual authority, using the keys of the Kingdom to bind the pwoer of the enemy.  Remember that you're seated in a place of authority with Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2:6).
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