Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Tues, 3-Jan-2012 - Truth & Freedom

In John 8:32, it says, "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”   There is freedom in truth.  Facing the truth isn't easy, but lies weigh on people.  They are yokes that shackle us.  Maybe initially they seem to give freedom, but it is a deceptive illusion.  A few light weights are put on that yoke, and with more lies, more weights get heaped on.  Next thing you know, the burdens are so intensely great, that it buries us.

It takes courage to live in truth.  For most of my life, I lived under the deception that I didn't have to be true to myself, that I could rationalize a certain way of life.  It never brought freedom, but the chains that bind grew tighter and tighter, digging into my flesh, tearing at it, draining the very life blood from me.

There are things and people that I love, and I have learned letting go and not hanging onto some things or people are what is best.  Give people freedom to grow, to be their best, to live their truth, even if it's not how we envision things.  It takes courage, humility and confidence that God's ways are always best, not mine. 

As the Truth sets people Free, true love is truth and it sets people free.  The love that Jesus Christ has for all mankind is true love.  THAT love sets us free from an eternity that is damned, if we so choose. 

Freedom in relationships allows each person to live true to themselves.  As I raise my children, I am learning this.  As I go through all sorts of different relationships with people, I've learned to hold what I can, but when it's time to let go or to change how I hold, then I do.  God is good all the time.  It's all a part of the learning process and to give people freedom to be their best is what is best and what is true.  Not always easy, but I'm all about freedom.

Sometimes that freedom is walking hand-in-hand.  Sometimes it's not.
Do you choose freedom today?
Doris Web Developer

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