I really loved seeing all the various definitions, synonyms for having a sound mind. I can see where often I did not have a sound mind and just cut loose, letting all things go as I pleased. Totally not what God says in His Word that He desires. Being sound minded means being moderate, which means to be mild and restrained. It means to bring your mind to a form of gentleness, not being extreme. Gentleness is one of the Fruit of the Spirit.
2. Describe a time when I was not sound-minded. What was the result?
Oh my goodness. I have had far too many situations where I was the opposite of having a sound-mind. Some of the things of not having a sound mind were being contentious, controversial, touchy, continually debating, arguing, quick-tempered, moody, easily upset. The opposite is having a COOL, steady spirit, even-tempered.
I remember being such a hot head in so many situations, like my marriages, all three of them and two of them led to divorces. I was a hot head in my career and for the companies I worked for at times, and it just made people not want to deal with me. I know I wouldn't want to deal with an irrational hot head. When you are not sound-minded, people don't want to listen to you. They think you're a crazy fool. It has not served me well.
3. As I studied this lesson, in what areas do I see the need to become more sound-minded? What Scripture spoke to me in regard to this?
Proverbs 17:27-28 -
The intelligent person restrains his words,
and one who keeps a cool head[a]
is a man of understanding.
and one who keeps a cool head[a]
is a man of understanding.
28 Even a fool is considered wise when he keeps silent,
discerning when he seals his lips.
discerning when he seals his lips.
4. In what ways does having a sound-mind protect our marriages? How does sound-mindedness make us better moms?
Our spouses tend to see the worst sides of us that we aren't willing to display to others. Being sound-minded can help us honor and respect our spouses and lift them up in love, rather than under our own standards of perfectionism we often set for ourselves and then place them on others. Having a sound-mind can bring healing as we listen, honor and respect each other.
When we have better sound-mindedness, we can see beyond the immediate with our children and truly see their hearts and then go before God to help shape their characters.
5. Think back over the synonyms and antonyms of sound-mindedness. What are some practical ways I can share with the group for being more sound-minded? Provide Scripture references, when possible.
Say nothing, write nothing when you are emotionally amped up. Wait until you're calm and see if your perspective has changed by being rational. Proverbs 15:18 says, "Hot tempers start fights; a calm, cool spirit keeps the peace."
Making it Personal Journal
Write any thoughts or convictions that I have in regard to having an intentional mind. What changes will I make in my life as a result of this study on sound-mindedness? How can I be more intentional in my relationship with God and my family?
Wait. Calm down. Reassess situation when I am not emotionally charged.
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