Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Awareness of Our Emotions

I'm learning to be more aware of my thoughts & emotions, especially the negative ones. Rather than tell myself I can't grieve or feel bad about myself, to allow myself to go through the pain, paying attention to whatever God is telling me.

Often we think pain is bad. What I'm realizing is it's God letting me know there are things in my life that need dealing with. In many instances, they are lies I've believed and lived, although, not usually realizing what these are.

Our lives manifest our belief system, which is not based upon logic, rather our emotional experiences of how we perceived something. Our perceptions can be right on the money or they can have perceived a situation incorrectly. It doesn't matter, as it's our perceptions and the emotions tied to them that form our belief systems.

God has been bringing all sorts of things up with me. It's a good thing. Painful, but good. I'm learning to just let go and allow God to work.
Doris Web Developer

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