Monday, July 5, 2010

New Perspective

There are a lot of things that's caused me to change my perspective on things. One of them is the generation of wealth. The other is eating. Another is men, parenting, relationships. For me, I never really considered the generation of wealth that I would have to do sales & marketing, much less MLM type businesses, yet, I've jumped into this.

For eating, raw seemed so boring and unappealing, yet I sit here tonight contemplating it strongly as the appeal for the foods my kids and I have been consuming and seeing others consuming foods has become unappealing. There is a need for change, a restlessness, rather to get down and out into a raw state of mind, maybe raw foods.

A friend of mine, when asked, gave me a different perspective to view men, especially Christian men -- view them as my brothers, spiritual brothers. If it helps to view them as physical brothers, perhaps that will cool my own hormonal jets? It's worth seeing if it will break the bondage and hold on me with my relationships with men so that I can have intimate, deep relationships with men that do not involve anything that would displease God.

My paradigms of parenting began to change when I learned about "Parenting From The Heart". How could one do that? Yet, over the past 2+ years that I've been doing this, God has transformed my relationship with my children. It's a work in progress and there are moments of frustration, but parenting is truly a joy despite those moments.

Relationships, allowing people to get into that deeper part of me, to know me can be scary, but that is the fear of man acting, and not God. However, there ought to be a good balance and wisdom should be used.

God is working to align me with Him. Apart from Him, I can do nothing.
Doris Web Developer

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