Sunday, August 22, 2010

Music & Words

Music has been a great part of my life since before grade school. There is something about music that moves me, that God speaks to me that words, events or things cannot do. It can reach into the deepest parts of me, touch me, soothe those hurts.

Maybe it's God's voice speaking in a different language that has no words, just different types of words that dance in the air, in a different energy medium.

A friend expressed to me the other day he doesn't listen to music, pretty much ever unless someone else is playing it. Honestly, to fathom this, it is incomprehensible. There are many times the music will whisk me away to a different place, especially when my hands tickle the ivories. My eyes close and fingers lightly dance over the keys, feeling the notes course through my veins, breathing the feelings and sounds.

There is something with putting words to music that gives it an even greater impact, at least for me it does. Put that with an incredible voice, POW! Can you just breathe that in? Delicious, isn't it?

God gives me many Divine appointments. Often whether I'm sitting at my computer working, driving, or walking alone, a song comes on either the radio (typically I listen to Air1, K-LOVE, or Family Life Radio -- all Christian radio) or my iPod/iTunes that moves me in a way tears begin flowing. Sometimes I don't even know why, but my spirit connects with the music, the words, the heart of the composer/lyricist. It is seeing a little bit into God's heart.

God really wants to connect with people. He wants to know us. He wants to know me. HE WANTS TO KNOW ME and HE accepts ME!! Can you believe that? He accepts ME!!! It's a healing salve. Thank you God!
Doris Web Developer

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