Thursday, August 12, 2010

Praise & Worship

The other day my kids and I went to Berean Bookstore with numerous 40% coupons. On the coupons it just said that only 1 item per coupon. It did not say you could not use more than one coupon per purchase or visit. The kids had earned the maximum Berean Bucks over the summer with their reading program.

Needless to say without going into details about this, we did not get to use most of the coupons, rather just one. The kids ended up having to put back most of their things and not spending most of the money they were planning on spending. When I found out their change in how we could use the coupons, my insides were boiling. I had this irate conversation in my head.

The Holy Spirit decided to intervene and told me to smile, be gracious, kind, control my temper, keep peace as I was talking to the sales clerk and the store manager. I argued with the Holy Spirit in my head, but chose to submit to what the Holy Spirit was telling me.

An earlier post talked about John 15:5, " . . . Apart from me, you can do nothing." That also popped into my head. Since the Holy Spirit resides in me, He gave me the power to keep peace, be gracious and kind. Surely that was not done in my own strength, but it was acknowledging and submitting to the Holy Spirit -- The Bible talks about how God would rather we obey than to sacrifice.

As we left the store, I felt okay that I obeyed the Holy Spirit, but still felt inclined to complain to my kids more. As I began to do that as we got into the car, I heard the Holy Spirit tell me in my head, "I want you to praise & worship me." The conversation continued with me objecting. Afterall, didn't I just do what you told me and don't I at least have the right to complain?

The Holy Spirit didn't explain Himself but just simple told me to "Praise & Worship God". So, I being giving gratitude about getting the one item we got with a 40% off. We ended up only spending $12 additional to the Berean Bucks. The plan was actually to spend closer to $70.

As we drove home singing praises to God, there was just a peace and lightness that enveloped our car. Prior to going to Berean's, I checked out the stuff we wanted online and with the 40% off coupon, it would've been cheaper. Somehow when we got home, I checked online again and it turned out that since there was no shipping costs, no tax, and the items were discounted, it was less expensive to buy online than at Berean's.

Spent $32 online, and plus the $12, it was a total of $44, which is $26 less expensive for the same items. How cool is that when you obey God? That is about the cost of an oil change for me and I get a few dollars left over. Wow, to get all those items, PLUS and oil change & some pocket change. God is so very good.

So, sometimes when things don't seem to be working out in our favor, maybe God has a higher purpose for something even better. We just need to be patient, obedient, AND, usher in His presence with Praise & Worship -- and, I'll add Thanksgiving.
Doris Web Developer

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