Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wed, 18-Jan-2012 - Who Am I?

Do you know who you are?  I mean, really.  Do you know who you are?  What is your identity wrapped in?  Is it your job and work?  Is it who others say you are?  Is it what you do?  Your personality?  What you haven't done?  Who are you?

In this song, Jason Gray talks about God reminding us who He calls us, but showing that we often don't call us who He calls us.

What do you call yourself?

I know for a long time, though intellectually I knew who God said I was, I lived out the belief that was the complete opposite.  We always live out what we believe.  What do you believe?  Do you believe who God says you are?  If we do, then let's see if our lives confirm this.  If not, there is room for each of us to step aside to allow God to show us who He says we are. 

Yes, I constantly need reminders.
Doris Web Developer

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