Saturday, April 12, 2014

Sat, 12-Apr-2014 - Voices

It's been quite awhile since I've written and not that God has spoken to me or show me so much, but I haven't felt led to write until this morning.  This picture really depics what I want to share with you today.

Everybody has voices they hear in their head (usually not audible I'm guessing), but they hear all sorts of various voices and I am no exception.  I think it's rare that people hear nothing and if so, it's rare and seldom for brief moments.

There are a number of songs that talk what we hear, like "Voice of Truth" by Casting Crown or Matthew West's "Hello My Name Is".  If you haven't heard these songs, I would suggest clicking on my links and listening to them or doing a Google search on YouTube.  

I believe that for all people that God calls every single one of us.  He wants a relationship with every single person ever born that can make a decision to accept Jesus as their Savior.  However, there are many people who choose not to listen to that voice and to other voices.  

Whether you are a Christian or not, God does speak to all people.  And whether you are a Christian or not, you can also have demonic voices, voices against God that speak to you.  We might refer to some of those voices as those inner demons.  Where do you suppose that phrase was coined?

What about you who secretly watches porn in your home when everyone else is asleep?  Or what about that illicit online relationship you are having with someone online?  Or what about that voice that tells you one more drink won't hurt?  Or that voice that says, I'll just charge it and worry about paying it later?  Or that voice that says, you've never made anything of yourself and failed so many times, you're just going to fail again?

A friend of mine about a month ago committed suicide with an overdose in prescription meds.  He had gone to my church for awhile, but stopped going and started going elsewhere intermittently.  Through the probably near decade that I knew him and prayed a lot for him, he sought so many different ways to quell the voices that he was constantly bombarded with.  I believe he knew Jesus as his Savior, but his demons relentlessly tormented him and I believe in the end, caused him to take his own life.

Each person, again, Christian or not, can choose to listen to whatever voice that comes into their head, however, what the Christian has is the AUTHORITY in Jesus' Name is shut the mouth of those inner demons.  What I do is when I recognize that it's not a voice from God and I don't like what it's telling me, I speak audibly out loud, identifying that voice, and I command it in Jesus' Name to go away and that it has no authority to speak into my life.  And amazingly, the voice actually immediately goes away.  I mean, right away.  That does sound weird, doesn't it?

The Bible says that one day, every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord (Philippians 2:10-12).  Now, whether He is the Lord of your life or not, is your choice.  Have you accepted Jesus as your Savior?  If not, you can do so right now wherever you are reading this.  Satan, his demon cohorts, they know Jesus and the know His authority.  However, if you're not a Christian, meaning you have not asked Jesus to be Lord and Savior of your life, even if you cry out in Jesus' Name, those voices won't go away because without belonging to Jesus, we have no authority in it of ourselves.  It is the authority of Jesus Christ that they must obey.  They don't have to obey anyone else.

So, it isn't enough to just believe that God or Jesus exist (James 2:19), you must receive Jesus as your Savior and THEN, you can command those demonic voices to go away and they will.  If you would like to accept Jesus as your Savior, this is a link to a sample prayer. It doesn't have to be this long, as I asked Jesus to be my Savior when I was 7 years old and it was a very simple prayer.

As, to note, if you do ask Jesus to be your Savior, I'd love to hear from you and pray for you.  The voices will still come and maybe even stronger, but you will have the authority through Jesus to command them to go away.

I think for me, the voice that tells me I've failed so many times, why try?  Or the voice that says that's too big a mistake.  Or the voice that is critical, complaining, unsatisfied, this isn't good enough, or the voice that says I'm entitled to believe or do things this way.  Or the voice that says, you've never truly succeeded in that area, why try anymore?  You've failed so many times.  Or, you're not pretty enough.  Of the voice that says you just don't measure up.  All of them are wrong and contrary to the Word of God.  And as a Christian, YOU have the AUTHORITY through CHRIST to stop that voice and to tell it to go away.  You must be persistent if that voice comes back.

How does that voice come back?  When we start entertaining those thoughts of being critical when a situation happens that you would normally be critical of.  Or, you begin to complain.  There are many environments which are the devil's playground and if you go and play in his playground, then you can expect to hear those voices because you're in his territory.

So, this is a huge area God is working on me in, is to not keep going to the devil's playground to hear those voices.  I must daily keep my mind focused on the Lord, thinking thoughts pleasing to Him and when situations arise that are not pleasant, I need to rely on God and step out in faith instead of being prideful, thinking I can do it on my own.

May God guide each and every one of your and our steps.  Have a super day!

Doris Web Developer

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