Monday, May 25, 2015

Monday, 25-May-2015 - Jealousy

I don't know why today I was thinking about jealousy.  Maybe because last night it was on my mind.  Do you know people who are perpetually jealous?  It could be over anything from looks to material things to accomplishments?  They see through eyes of envy and bitterness.  

The idiom, "the grass is greener on the other side" reflects the sentiment of jealousy, I believe.  A couple days ago, my husband and I got a new car.  It's my first brand new car in 21 years that is mine (and my husband's).  And it's beautiful.  But, I don't think everyone is happy for us, though, we have not shared this with everyone or even a lot of people.

Jealous people see through tainted eyes and of bitter desire.  We never know what it took for some people to get to where they are.  Some people have had to face incredible hardship and challenges, loss, and great sacrifice to get to whatever you may be jealous about.  Would you like to take that path?  Probably not.

My best friend from college on her 40th birthday got a brand new Bentley from her husband.  My friend has her master's degree in engineering.  Her husband does not have a college education.  Both are black and come from humble childhoods.  Many people are jealous of them, but I am not one of them.

I learned long ago that the paths people take to obtain certain things are often wrought with great sacrifice and challenges, and usually not something I would care to go through, as my own stuff is challenging enough.  You may have less education and worked much harder than me or not to get what you have, but that is YOUR journey and YOUR story, not mine.

Or maybe you have more education and more privileges than me, but that is YOUR journey, YOUR story, not mine.  

What are some things to help combat a jealous spirit?  I believe an attitude of gratitude and blessing.  For years now, my kids and I nearly daily verbally speak out words of blessings to others and we have shared verbally probably more than a million things we are grateful for.

God desires that no one has to learn the hard way, but He knows our sinful nature often causes us to need to learn the hard way.  I have some people in my life that constantly spew out their jealous attitudes and words, and when I am around them, I can feel the bitterness of their souls just consuming them.  Which, that gives me an opportunity to pray for them, for healing for their soul wounds.

I know the Bible says, God is a jealous God (Deuteronomy 4:24), but that is not the same as envy and bitterness.  God being a Holy God demands our attention and will not tolerate us putting idols before Him.  That's what that verse means.

Catch your thoughts.  What do they reveal about you?  Are you jealous?  Then, go to God and ask Him to forgive you.  Apply the blood of Jesus to your jealous sins.  Apply Jesus' Resurrection Dunamis that gives the ability to heal all the soul wounds that your jealousy has caused.  Take your authority over the enemy here and send him to hell.  Then, lastly, apply God's Glory and Light to your house, for you are the temple of the Lord.  Have Him fill all the places that you've allowed the enemy reign in your life.  Thank God!!!

Doris Web Developer

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