For many of us, even if we came from good homes, we all have things that have wounded our souls. Soul wounds come from sin, whether it's sin that we did or others sinning against us, or sins that we have inherited from our ancestors.
I've been spending quite some time in the past few months asking God to reveal to me sins in my life and He has. It has been enlightening. A couple weeks ago, I asked God to begin to give me dreams to reveal what areas I need to address in regards to soul wounds and He has been doing this. It's really cool.
How do you get the healing for your soul? Here is what I understand the process to be:
1. Repent/ask for forgiveness for sins (whether these be sins you committed, others committed against you, or ancestral sins) and be specific, if you can. Apply Jesus' blood to those sins, because Jesus did pay the penalty for our sins.
Most of us just stop there and those Christ forgives those sins, washes them with His Blood, and God sees them no more, our souls are still wounded. That's why (at least my understanding) is why we can still be plagued by those sins and keep doing them.
2. Apply Jesus' Resurrection Dunamis Power to those wounds to get complete healing. It is through Jesus' Resurrection that there is POWER to overcome, to heal. You can Google Dunamis, but I see it as the ability to create miracles. It's all about Jesus. You nor I can heal by ourselves, only through Jesus.
3. Once your soul wounds are healed, you no longer have anything in common with the enemy, with regards to what you prayed about. So, if it was for the sin of food addiction, then bind up the strongman over food addiction, ransack his house, and kick him out. Actually, the house is your house, but you allowed the strongman to take up living in your house and taking over and he brought his demonic cohorts with him. Kick them all out, but first you must, by the authority of Jesus Christ, bind up the strongman, THEN ransack his house and kick him out along with his demonic buddies.
4. Once you've kicked him out, the Bible says that you must fill the house and guess with what? Fill the house with God's glory, with God because if you leave it empty, even more demonic yuckies will come back.
That's it. Four parts.
A couple weeks ago, while on vacation with my family to the Grand Canyon, my son had a near 2 week soccer injury and was on crutches. I led my son through this as God revealed to him and I what we needed to address. God miraculously healed my son. The healing didn't take place at least for him right then it there, but the next morning, his hip, right leg were completely healed and he was able to endure many, many hours of walking, hiking whereas the day before, he could barely walk.
Isn't God good? And, God also miraculously healed this cough I had had for 7 weeks that was quite debilitating. I guess personally I was dealing with the same issues - rebellion, which is as the sin of witchcraft, disobedience to parents, bad attitude, complaining, whining. I believe those are the things we prayed about.
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