Friday, April 3, 2015

Good Friday, 3-Apr-2015 - More Soul Wounds Healed

These were flowers I had taken last weekend as my husband, daughter, and a friend of ours were on our way to the mountains.  We stopped by a nearby area to take some pictures of some round yellow flowers.  These are not them.  On the way back to the car, I passed these flowers, but, as I've been learning in my daily walks and time with God, sometimes what seems very insignificant can be magnificent and wonderful.

These flowers were just on the side of the road and looked like weeds.  But upon closer inspection, there is a gorgeous beauty to them, the brilliant contrasting colors amidst harsh desert surroundings.  Thankfully God brought rain periodically in the past few months and these flowers were able to survive for quite awhile.

Sometimes in order for us to appreciate life and the tapestry God is weaving in our lives, we need to take a huge step back, or two or three and see the bigger picture.  What is God doing?  Other times, we need to come in real close and see the things that there is to be grateful for.  Zoom in on those things and you will find a beauty you've never seen before.

I'm learning to worship, praise God in a new special way, with new eyes.  These months I have been pressing towards getting my soul wounds healed, so I can see better with my mind and soul, rather than through the jadedness of my soul wounds.  

As God continues to show me areas of woundedness, I begin to repent and apply the blood of Jesus from the Cross to those sins.  I don't stop there, but then I apply Jesus Resurrection Dunamis Power to those wounds caused by sin.  Then, I take my authority in Jesus, because my spirit man is perfect and a new creation in Christ and get rid of the enemy.  When my soul wounds are healed, I now have the legal right to bind the enemy and kick him out.  Then, you must replace all the areas the enemy resided in with the the Lord's Glory, His Light.  

I am changing, and as I pray for myself, I'm seeing my environment, how others respond to me as well as me responding them to changing greatly.  And, as my soul wounds get healed, I begin praying for other's soul wounds to be healed.  God is doing stuff.

Recently I gifted a friend of mine a bunch of Katie Souza's stuff and she's been doing this and seeing amazing changes that only God can do as her soul wounds get healed.  God is good!!

Doris Web Developer

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